This is a 95 page book by Dr. Cortez. This book interested me because I fully believe in natural healing and full body wellness. I already practice some of the techniques. However, the book taught me more about what I do practice, as well as much more that I need to incorporate. It explains how our wellness is achieved by how we think, our mental status, our body's condition, food we eat, phsical massage and manipulation, and more. The author breaks down each section with details. She goes over essential oils, stones, yoga, chiropractic care, foods we eat and what they do to our systems, mental conditions, state of mind, and so much more. Since I already have some knowledge the book was easily understood. If you have no experience in these areas, you will need to read this book, then study the topics more in depth. You should also consult someone who practices each subject. There are many chemically made medicines and treatments with negative side effects. The book teaches you how to explore natural treatment that has mainly positive effects. Our ancestors used the ways touched on by this author, and we should remember that. I like how the book not only brings us to each topic, but helps you understand it's more than just one way. It is a circle of ways that have an effect on every aspect of our lives. The author also urges you to learn more and to find a way to use all of it to create whole health. I found Dr.Cortez offers many other books that will tie in with his one and elaborate on many of the subjects.