I have some arthritis and other problems. My fingers can get stiff and hurt when I move them. I look for something to use to keep my fingers still and protected when they hurt. Any soreness or injury heals better when made immobile and rested. It is usually only a specific finger here and there.
I chose this one because it is moldable and padded. With Fibromyalgia, I need the padding. This one is for your trigger finger. However, you can use it on your other fingers. It came with instructions, but is beyond easy to put on. It is very comfy and molds well. It is adjusted easily for your comfort. Inside has metal plating that's bendable covered in padding. I wore it at night, when I can't pay attention to re-injuring the finger. I did not notice it at all. I ordered the black one, but they also offer white. It was on Amazon for around seventeen bucks. It came within a couple days. It is working great and is better than expected in pain relief.