In our move, I lost some of our son's parts to his control charging station. We do not want a seven year old, bored in the winter, with no That could be disastrous.
I found a charging station by Ceenwes. It has four slots for charging. You can charge the batteries and/or controllers at one time. The station came with four NiMH battery packs, a USB cord, and the station. They last much longer than regular batteries. You can have family play time that much longer! Each charged battery lasts two hours of play. The docking station has a nice modern look in white to blend in with your style. Each port lights up LED when charging. That is excellent and keeps from grabbing a battery, only to find it wasn't charging! The light changes from red to blue when charged and ready to play. There is a USB port in the backtoo. I ordered mine from Amazon for right under 19 bucks.
I found this docking station to work perfectly, with no problems so far. I love the look. It fits our son's decor amazingly! It seems much easier to put in the port to charge. The old one he has, often had to be wiggled seven ways to